4 Steps to Boost Your Team’s Morale

A low level of morale for any business is a hindrance and should be tackled directly. If you’ve noticed a low level of morale within your team, that’s the first crucial step to improving the situation. Noticing and acknowledging the problem is better than failing to notice, and you can, therefore, now work to fix it. 

Low morale can manifest in many ways: 

  • Lack of energy within a team 
  • More complaints
  • Lack of productivity 
  • Negative body language 
  • Sudden shoddy workmanship
  • A lack of enthusiasm 

Does this sound familiar? If so, here are 4 steps to boost your team’s morale.

1. Take a Training Course 

The right managerial training course can help you to better lead and learn how to strengthen relationships between you and your team members. Creating a better bond can significantly improve the morale of your team, as well as creating a more coherent working atmosphere. Karrass training courses offer professional guidance with techniques that will work to form a better team environment.

2. Offer Positive Reinforcement

One of the biggest fixes for low esteem in employees is to make them feel appreciated and acknowledged. Low morale could stem simply from employees working hard for a long time without any recognition. 

Where it’s good to tell your team that they have done a good job, it shouldn’t be off-hand or a passing comment. Take the time to find out exactly what each team member is doing well, and call them up on it in a positive way. Tell them specifically what impresses you about them, and be sure to mention it in any employee evaluations. 

3. Give Your Team Something to Focus On

Motivation can drop hugely if team members are unclear about what they are working towards, or don’t have any clear goals in mind. Make sure that you set achievable goals, both for the business and personal goals for employees. 

You could even rebuild excitement levels by offering fun ways to achieve goals, perhaps through healthy workplace competition with a reward for a specific job or setting a fun task which employees will enjoy. 

You could even speak to employees individually to check with them whether there are any personal goals they are looking to achieve, and how you can help with that. 

4. Consider Personal Lives 

Happy employees need a good work-life balance. If your team is feeling under pressure and overworked, perhaps with long hours and a good deal of overtime, this may mean that their personal lives are suffering for it, and that can greatly impact their morale at work. 

Of course, it’s difficult to accommodate personal schedules if you have a set working habit you need to stick to for the sake of the business. However, take the time where possible to be more flexible. If employees need an hour out of the office for an appointment, try and accommodate it. Speak with them personally about flexible working hours if that is something your business can offer or even home-based remote working. 

Sometimes, just asking how you can make it better is a big boost to their satisfaction levels. 



